Saturday, October 13, 2012

Writers' Workshop Guidelines Now Available

We are pleased to announce that the guidelines for the writers' workshop at Norwescon 36 on March 28-31, 2013, are now available!  If you participated in our recent workshops at Westercon or Norwescon, or inquired about them, you should already have received a noticeIf not, please visit the Norwescon site:

Here are the basics:
  • In most circumstances we accept 2 pieces from any one person, only one of which may be a novel excerpt, and neither of which may be more than 10,000 words.
  • Submissions will be critiqued in private, live sessions at Norwescon in 2013.  Most sessions use 4 critquers who are professional guests at the convention (almost always professionally published genre writers).
  • We have certain requirements for submissions, including that you use proper manuscript format (and we WILL critique your format), send a cover letter, and that all stories be completed.
  • Our deadline is VERY EARLY: December 2, 2012.  So if you'd like to submit, get hopping!  We set the deadline as late as we can each year and are not able to accept late submissions.
  • We fill all the slots we can handle every year, so if you want to participate, we encourage to you to submit as early as possible.
Don't worry if you haven't been to a critique before, or if you don't feel that your work is perfect.  Writers at all levels are welcome to submit to the workshop!