Thursday, May 16, 2019

New Story from Harold Gross

Check out the new story from Fairwood alum Harold Gross in the newly released anthology, Alternative Truths III: Endgame, the final volume in the Alternative Truths series from B Cubed Press. Harold's story, "Skin in the Game," explores what might happen if our leaders were held a bit more responsible for their decisions, right or wrong, in very permanent ways.

Edited by Bob Brown and Jess Faraday, this anthology offers stories and essays by 30 writers and political thinkers examining some possible outcomes of our political decisions. Among them is a look, in Paula Hammond's "Fortunate Son," at a Donald Trump who answered his country's call to serve in Vietnam.

Part of the anthology's proceeds are donated to the ACLU of Washington. Pick up the ebook or paperback today!

Find out more about Harold's writing at