Friday, September 9, 2016

2017 Norwescon Workshop Guidelines Now Available

We are pleased to announce that the guidelines for the Writers' Workshop at Norwescon 40 in April, 2017 are now available!  If you've participated in the workshop since 2014, or inquired about the workshop within the last two years, you should have received a copy of the guidelines in your email.  If not, visit the Norwescon website.

We've made some changes this year, so be sure to read our guidelines thoroughly.  The two main changes to keep in mind: Our maximum length for short fiction now is 8,000 words, and we now accept manuscripts in .docx format along with .rtf, .doc and .txt formats (but please, no PDFs!).

Submissions are now open, with this year's deadline December 4. Now's a great time to finish that story you've been working on or draft a synopsis for your novel.

We're looking forward to seeing you and your best work next April!

Night Terrors' Reading, Signing

Join Fairwood alum John Pitts, writing as J.A. Pitts, for a reading and signing on Sept. 10 of his latest book, Night Terrors, book four in the adventures of Seattle blacksmith and dragon slayer Sarah Beauhall.

Details: Saturday, Sept. 10
                  2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
                  Crossroads Barnes & Noble