Monday, December 2, 2013

The Song Giveth... serialized

Today saw the first part of the novelette, The Song Giveth…, by Fairwood member, Harold Gross, hit press. Song is a fantasy piece with, not surprisingly, a musical twist. It will come out in 4 parts over the next several issues of Aethernet Magazine, a UK property dedicated to the serialized form. Information and links below.

Aethernet #9 Contents

·         Cosmopolitan Predators! by Tony Ballantyne
·         Gela’s Ring by Chris Beckett
·         Memento by Keith Brooke
·         The Song Giveth... by Harold Gross
·         Serial Inspirations by Juliet E McKenna
·         Spiderlight by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Deadline Approaching

Get your manuscripts ready for the writers' workshop at Norwescon 37 next April!  We're counting down to our submissions deadline at midnight on Sunday, Dec. 1.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to have your fantasy, science fiction and horror short stories and novel excerpts critiqued by professional writers and editors.  You'll find our guidelines here.

The clock is ticking!  We hope to see you and your work at Norwescon! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Looking Landwards

Fairwood member Renee Stern turns her experience as an agricultural reporter into a look at one possible future for farming in "A Touch of Frost," one of 23 stories you'll find in Looking Landwards.

Just released by NewCon Press, the anthology commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Agricultural Engineers by examining what might lie ahead for farming, agricultural engineering and all of us.

Looking Landwards is available as an e-book, paperback and a numbered, limited edition hardback.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Start Planning For Our Next Writers' Workshop

The guidelines for our writers' workshop at Norwescon 37 on April 17-20, 2014, are now available!  If you've participated in one of our previous workshops, or inquired about them, you should already have received a notice.  If not, please visit the Norwescon website for our guidelines.

Here are the basics:
  • In most circumstances we accept 2 pieces from any one person, only one of which may be a novel excerpt, and neither of which may be more than 10,000 words.
  • Submissions will be critiqued in private, live sessions at Norwescon in 2014.  Most sessions use 4 critquers who are professional guests at the convention (almost always professionally published genre writers).
  • We have certain requirements for submissions, including that you use proper manuscript format (and we WILL critique your format), send a cover letter, and that all stories be completed.
  • Our deadline is VERY EARLY: December 1, 2013.  So if you'd like to submit, get hopping!  We set the deadline as late as we can each year and are not able to accept late submissions.
  • We fill all the slots we can handle every year, so if you want to participate, we encourage to you to submit as early as possible.
Don't worry if you haven't been to a critique before, or if you don't feel that your work is perfect.  Writers at all levels are welcome to submit to the workshop! 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Anthology News

Look for Fairwood members Renee Stern and Rhiannon Held in two new anthologies!


Gears and Levers 3, a steampunk anthology edited by Phyllis Irene Radford, includes 14 stories from Rhiannon Louve, David Boop, Renee Stern and others.

We hope you'll enjoy Renee's entry, "Backs to the Wall," featuring Mother Jones, Pinkertons and coal-mining automatons.

Published by Sky Warrior Books, the anthology is available from Amazon, Smashwords and Barnes & Noble.

Urban Green Man: An Archetype of Renewal edited by Adria Laycraft & Janice Blaine.
And Rhiannon takes a break from werewolves with a story about dryads appearing in the anthology Urban Green Man from Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Featuring an introduction by Charles de Lint, the anthology contains Rhiannon's story "Green Apples" and 30 other tales dealing with renewal surrounding the mythology of the Green Man.

Urban Green Man is available as a trade paperback and, coming soon, as an e-book.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The release date for member Rhiannon Held's urban fantasy novel TARNISHED is fast approaching on May 21! If you're interested in hearing her read and/or getting a copy signed, she has two appearances in the Seattle area:

Tuesday, May 21, 7 pm, University Bookstore, Seattle
Thursday, May 30, 7 pm, Third Place Books Lake Forest Park, Seattle

We hope to see some of you there!